During the coronavirus pandemic it’s important to regularly clean and disinfect the surfaces in your home or business which get touched on a regular basis. To discover an informative guide to preventing the spread of the coronavirus by thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting your surfaces, simply continue reading.

You should clean and disinfect your surfaces on a daily basis:

Ideally, you should clean and disinfect the surfaces inside your home or business on a daily basis. Especially as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is known as the CDC, recommend cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces in your home at least once per day. Although if you leave your home for any length of time, you should thoroughly clean and disinfect the surfaces which you use when you return home. Regardless of whether you’ve already cleaned and disinfected your home or not. As you may have come into contact with the coronavirus during your outing.

The difference between cleaning and disinfecting:

The purpose of cleaning surfaces during the coronavirus pandemic is to eliminate contaminants from your surfaces, while the purpose of disinfecting your surfaces is to kill any harmful pathogens which may be present. Cleaning your surfaces is still a smart idea as cleaning can decrease the number of germs on your surfaces, which can still help decrease the spread of infection in your household.

How to clean and disinfect surfaces:

You should always clean your surfaces first, before you disinfect your surfaces. As an example, you may want to wipe your surfaces down with a cleaning spray and a disposable hand towel before using a disinfecting spray or wipe to rid your surfaces of potential pathogens. The key reason why you should clean your surfaces before you disinfect them with a chemical spray is to decrease the number of germs present on your surfaces, before you try to kill as many germs on your surfaces as possible.

Make sure to use a disinfecting spray which is effective against the coronavirus:

It’s of critical importance to read the labels of the disinfecting sprays and wipes which you are interested in purchasing, to ensure that they have been proven effective against the coronavirus. As contrary to popular belief not all disinfecting sprays, can protect you from contracting or spreading the coronavirus.

Don’t forget to disinfect your electronics:

While you may remember to disinfect your work desk, kitchen counters and bathroom counters on an everyday basis, it’s also just as important to regularly disinfect your electronic devices. As an example, ensure to use a coronavirus disinfecting wipe to gently clean your smart phone and your laptop’s keyboard. Disinfecting your electronics is crucial as most individuals spend countless hours on their smart phone and laptop per day.

In conclusion:

So, if you want to take the necessary precautions in order to protect yourself and your family members from contracting the coronavirus, it’s a wise idea to get into the habit of cleaning and disinfecting your home or business on a daily basis.